Sunday, April 11, 2010

Making Swedish Jam

Good afternoon!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  I had a really big 10 hour practice test yesterday that went well.  I'm recovering after my super sugary day before and am feeling much better.  With the beginning of spring produce a got a longing to make some Swedish jam.  It's so quick and it tastes so much better than store bought jam.  It's a bit thinner than other jams, but the flavor is so much stronger I use way less. 

General Recipe:
2 cups of fruit (Frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, or apricots are my favorites)
1 cup sugar

1. Let frozen fruit defrost about 30 seconds in the microwave
2. Put sugar and fruit in a food processor and mix until chopped in fine pieces
3. Heat the fruit mixture in a saucepan over medium high heat, stirring frequently
4. Heat the mixture until it reaches 215 or boils rapidly, then keep stirring for 4 more minutes
-This jam keeps in the refridgerator for about one month

Here is what I ate so far today:

Lunch with hubby was some great baked tofu, beans, and cheese:
Followed with a couple strawberries and granola:

Have a geat weekend

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